Create Insulating Barriers with Shades

What does it mean to have Energy Efficient Shades?

Plummeting temperatures rise our desire to crank up the heat, in turn increasing our heating bill!  This is where insulated window coverings (energy-efficient shades) come into play!

Bare windows are like open valves; heat and light flow freely and uncontrolled in all directions.  Window coverings give us control over this and allow us to take advantage of natural heat, light, and cooling.  They also allow us to enjoy the benefits of a reduced electricity bill!

A proper window covering provides your home with thermal comfort which can optimize productivity, health, and well-being – and who couldn’t use a little of that?


How do window coverings create an insulating barrier?

Feeling cold greatly impacts our productivity by making us restless, uncomfortable, and easily distracted.  Window coverings can help regulate the temperature in our home and provide us with maximum thermal comfort. 

Let’s go back to the valve analogy:

 An uncovered window is essentially an open valve.  This means that heat escapes quite easily, causing your home’s source of heat to work even harder.  A person sitting next to an uncovered window radiates more heat than they receive back from the cold glass, so eventually they feel cold too.  Cranking up the heat consumes energy and resources and can quickly become costly.

 A well-insulated window not only balances the incoming heat, but also traps the heat inside the room!


During the day, leave the valve open to allow direct sunlight to heat the room. But be sure to close them at night to maintain the heat inside.



Being too hot can cause insomnia, stress, and lethargy.  During the day, when the sun is shining, close your “valves” so that the sun’s heat cannot travel freely within your home.  By doing this, we easily reduce resources and costs in our home-cooling systems!


Are there more benefits of insulated window coverings?

The answer is yes! 

     1. “Day lighting” is how shades receive and diffuse incoming sun rays to soften and bring them deeper into the room.  This reduces glare (particularly from the bright, midday rays) and the need for artificial (electric) lighting, which in turn lessens electric bills.

      2. Thermal window coverings are also a great way to filter out harmful UV rays that can damage upholstery, carpeting, wood floors, furniture, and most importantly – your skin.  Many window coverings have options for light-filtering or room darkening for light and UV control.

      3.  Acoustic insulation!  Some insulated window coverings can absorb up to 70% of sound!  This is a fantastic option for an office, an indoor cinema, or a child’s nursery.

Energy-efficient window coverings are a simple way to maximize comfort and productivity, reduce your resources, greenhouse gas emissions, and your monthly bills!   Meet with our team of experts to see which window treatments are right for your space!


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